My research interests include Human-AI Collaboration, AI for Social Science and AI for Software Engineering. My research focuses on building, theorizing and evaluating AI innovative software/tools, particularly in qualitative analysis area.
I am currently a John C. Malone Postdoc Fellow under Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare in the Whiting School of Engineering at The Johns Hopkins University, starting March 2025. I am mentored by an interdisciplinary team of NLP and HCI, including Mark Dredze, Ziang Xiao, and Chien-Ming Huang. Prior to this, I did one-year postdoctoral research in Mens, Manus, and Machina (M3S) team at Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology in Singapore, working with Thomas W. Malone. I received my PhD in Information Systems Technology and Design from the Singapore University of Technology and Design in January 2024, advised by Simon Perrault. I earned my Master’s degree in Software Engineering (Information Product Design) from Zhejiang University and Bachelor’s degree in Digital Media Technology from Shanghai University, both in China.
My research interests include Human-AI Collaboration, AI for Social Science and AI for Software Engineering. My research focuses on building, theorizing and evaluating AI innovative software/tools, particularly in qualitative analysis area.
2025.03 🚀 Started my postdoc fellowship at Johns Hopkins University!
2024.12 🚀 I will join the Malone postdoctoral fellow program at Johns Hopkins University next March! I will be working with a research group leading by Prof. Mark Dredze to explore the potential of LLM in qualitative analysis methodology usage in healthcare. I will also work with excellent researchers Ziang Xiao and Chien-Ming Huang!
2024.09 I am serving as an Associate Chair for CHI2025 under subcommittee "Understanding People — Statistical and Quantitative Methods" this year!
*Co-first author.
To simplify the reading, I've listed only my main contributions. For a full list and the latest version of my publications, please visit my Google Scholar !
📚 Theorizing the development of innovative software and tools (More to come):
A Taxonomy for Human-LLM Interaction Modes: An Initial Exploration
Jie Gao*, Simret Araya Gebreegziabher*, Kenny Tsu Wei Choo, Toby Jia-Jun Li, Simon Tangi Perrault, Thomas W. Malone
CHI LBW 2024 Human-LLM Interaction PDF🌟 Building novel software for AI-assisted (LLM-powered) qualitative data analysis, writing and online reflection:
If you're interested in the development of this line of research, I suggest reviewing the development history of CollabCoder. To gain a full understanding of why I started working on this topic since 2021, I invite you to check the Section 2: Choice of Research Topic of my PhD thesis.
CoAIcoder: Examining the Effectiveness of AI-assisted Human-to-Human Collaboration in Qualitative Analysis.
Jie Gao, Kenny Tsu Wei Choo, Junming Cao, Roy Ka Wei Lee, Simon Perrault.
TOCHI 2023 AI4SocialScience PDFI am thrilled to be part of my colleagues' LLM projects and have gained valuable insights from our collaboration!
Help Me Reflect: Leveraging Self-Reflection Interface Nudges to Enhance Deliberativeness on Online Deliberation Platforms
Shun Yi Yeo, Gionnieve Lim, Jie Gao, Weiyu Zhang, Simon Tangi Perrault
CHI 2024 PDF